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This is a short note to let you know that you are viewing a page that we're no longer updating. From 2022 and onwards we're focusing on conecting with fans on social media - including Instagram and Facebook - and on our mailing list, as well as sharing our favourite Christian music over on our collection of playlists.

We're really looking forward to seeing you there!
Anita & Ben

Into the unknown… (and a remix of Free!)

Something I love about each New Year is that you don’t know what it has in store. 2014 was an incredible year for us. We moved to Sweden, I ran a marathon (which I’m pretty sure will never happen again!), started new jobs, released a new EP and album, and travelled to at least 7 different countries!

No pressure for 2015 then :)

But what was great about 2014 is that this time last year, Ben and I had no idea that most of that was going to happen. And so now as we stand collectively (you & me) at the start of 2015, we may have some idea about what this year holds in store for us… you might have a vacation in mind or plans to get a new job but I bet that many things will happen to you this year that you have no idea are even around the corner.

And we hope and pray that these will all be good things in our lives – but if they’re not, and life hands you a lemon or two this year (we were handed a few lemons ourselves in 2014), know that He is in the middle of our unknown and He will make it good.

“For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.” – Isaiah 43:19

We wish you every blessing in this new year and in whatever season your life is in right now.

Oh, and as a little New Years energy boost – have a listen to our track Free, remixed by the excellent Christian dance music producer Levi Whalen. We love what he has done with it – hope you do too!

As ever, thanks so much for all your support,
Anita & Ben x

posted by Anita Tatlow on January 6, 2015