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Anita & Ben

An interview with Anita and Ben on Louder Than The Music

We’re excited to announce that, following our recent review, the excellent Louder Than The Music have interviewed us about our musical journey, inspiration behind the album, and much more!

An excerpt from the interview…

Through The Mist is very different to most ‘Christian’ Music out there, do you think that helps or hinders the band?
BEN – 
I think it works both ways! When people hear our music, their reaction is often ‘I haven’t heard Christian music like this before, but I like it’. This is a wonderful affirmation of the musical direction we’ve taken, but also poses a discoverability challenge! We write music with the vision that it could both be used in times of personal reflection, both at home at in church environments – and right now far fewer people are searching for this kind of music as opposed to, say, CCM or worship music. But with the explosion of Christian EDM tracks at the moment, both in quantity and quality, I’m personally hopeful that people will increasingly be open to and choose to listen to a wider variety of electronic genres within Christian music.

How would you define success in your career as a band?
I think success can come in so many different forms: both big and small. You do want people to appreciate the music you write and I find it such an encouragement when we get messages from people who have taken the time to contact us about how God is at work in their lives through our music. And this is our prayer: that our music would reach the people who need to hear it in the hope that it might impact their lives in some small way. I would say that if our music helps someone to connect with God, even in the tiniest of ways, then our music is a success.

Read the full interview

posted by Ben Tatlow on February 12, 2015