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Anita & Ben

The story behind Listen

Inspiration behind Listen, as written by Anita

The inspiration for Listen came (somewhat ironically) from all the noise that surrounds us. In his Nooma video, Rob Bell highlights that we are very rarely away from some sort of noise – from conversations to the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Even when we are alone, there is often music playing on the radio, the TVs on, traffic is going past outside, aeroplanes flying overhead. But when do we just stop? Take a moment to listen for the silence?

I often find that I am so busy in my everyday life that I don’t ‘hear’ what is being said. It’s all very well praying for answers but how much do I ever really take the time to listen for that answer? ‘Listen’ is exactly that – a challenge to myself (and hopefully to you too!) to ask, ‘Are you setting time apart to allow God to speak to you in the silence?’ If you just stop and listen, you might surprise yourself with how much you hear.


Listen, hear that sound.
Never wonder how He found you,
When all around is closing in,
He’s listening.

Listen, hear him call.
Let him hold you when you fall,
All you’ve known is fading fast,
He’s listening.

On the web

– Download for free on Noisetrade
– Stream on Soundcloud, Spotify, or Youtube
– Listen via Earbits Free Online Radio
– Purchase on iTunes

Listen was also featured on Dave’s Lounge podcast

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posted by Ben Tatlow on June 13, 2013