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Licensing & bespoke composition

Salt of the Sound

All of our music is available for licensing!

Over the years our music has appeared on a number of different licensing websites. Recently, to create a simpler experience for licensees of all sizes, we have partnered with all-ambient to be a one-stop location for all Salt of the Sound licensing.

License our music on all:ambient

All:ambient is a platform that we co-created alongside other artists on our label Echoes Blue Music with the aim of establishing a simple and affordable licensing solution featuring high quality ambient music across different styles. We hope it is a useful resource for you!

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us and we’ll be more than happy to help you with licensing any of our music.

Bespoke compositions & modifications

Our music is perfect for creating a calm and reflective mood for film, TV, and other media projects, and it’s absolutely possible for us to modify current arrangements or lengths to fit any specific production needs. Pricing is discussed on a per project basis.

In addition to licensing our songs, we are also available for bespoke music composition for film and TV. Get in touch and we can arrange a good time to meet – either in person or over Skype.

Contact us with a bespoke composition enquiry