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This is a short note to let you know that you are viewing a page that we're no longer updating. From 2022 and onwards we're focusing on conecting with fans on social media - including Instagram and Facebook - and on our mailing list, as well as sharing our favourite Christian music over on our collection of playlists.

We're really looking forward to seeing you there!
Anita & Ben

Louder Than The Music review In Prayer and give it 5/5!

Louder Than The Music reviewed our new album In Prayer, and they had this to say…

“Beautiful, inventive and creative… this is tender, reflective, heart warming and heart searching music at it’s best.”

“I don’t think there is an album out there at the moment like this. It’s a brave album to make in a catchy chorus driven worship music world… Salt of the Sound have made an album that is thought provoking without using too many lyrics, a very clever feat. 5/5”

Read the full review

posted by Ben Tatlow on October 12, 2017