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This is a short note to let you know that you are viewing a page that we're no longer updating. From 2022 and onwards we're focusing on conecting with fans on social media - including Instagram and Facebook - and on our mailing list, as well as sharing our favourite Christian music over on our collection of playlists.
We're really looking forward to seeing you there!
Anita & Ben
We’re really excited about our forthcoming album and all is going well for an October release date. (EDIT: now confirmed as November 4th!)
The overall theme of the album is a journey; while we may be at different stages of our journey, we are all travelling on a road which is marked out for us. Yes, we have choices and decisions to make, but ultimately we are pilgrims, travelers, pioneers, explorers, searchers.
This over-riding theme kept coming to me in many of the songs I was writing – maybe because Ben and I have just embarked on a crucial stage of a journey, as we got married in February – but I think there is more to it than that alone. I feel that I am constantly searching and restless – wanting to know where I should be and what I should be doing, and yes, sometimes I pray about it, asking to be shown ‘the way’. Before writing this album, very rarely did I take the time to ‘Listen’ (which was brought to my attention through watching a Nooma video by Rob Bell entitled ‘Noise’ – you should check it out!).
So that’s what I started to do. Stop. Listen. Take it all in. Our lives rarely allow for the time to reflect but this is so what I needed.
Aside from being patient (which is often a lesson I need to learn) and waiting for answers to come, sometimes we just need to be what we were made for and – please excuse the cliche – be a light shining in the darkness, in other words, go and do! To quote Morpheus, from the film The Matrix,
‘There’s a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.’
This theme runs through some of the songs on the album, particularly in the song ‘This Little Light Of Mine’ which is a re-vamped version of the traditional gospel children’s song (have a look at the lyrics from the chorus in this photo!) This is possibly one of the songs I am most excited about and can’t wait to bring to you when we finally release the album.
We have already released two songs from the album, and you can listen and download them now: Free, Listen.
posted by Anita Tatlow on May 30, 2013